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Saturday 19 December 2009


The last two days have been hot hot heat and laser-like sun rays, fading green grass, ice cream and cake. We have spent the time lolling about the thirsty grass on the riverbank, reading magazines scavenged from other people and baking. Alex has gained a caramel tan, I have managed a faint tan as well, despite being smothered in factor 70, in the shade, complete with hat and sunglasses.
There are a good range of movies in the run up to Christmas, so we always have an evening activity. Tonight is Men in Black 2, which should be fun. Nearly all the Czech people have given up and left, only a few jobseekers remain - an Ozzie, some Americans and Germans.
Thus, from social study, I can tell you the only thing that makes a German man laugh these days is the point in Family Guy where a rooster appears and has a bar fight for a good five minutes. Possibly linked in to the bird/violence thing, is that German women all appeared to be terrified by ducklings, because they scream and run shouting German swear words everytime a hopeful duckling approaches them.

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