The Travel Map - Read the blog below

Monday, 14 December 2009


Okay, so this post has nothing whatsoever to do with ketchup, but it sounds almost like 'Catch Up' which would have been my title today if it were not for the fact that it involves two words where I like to have just one.
So, after the excitement of Splash Planet, things have been a little quiet round here. We have, however had beautiful sunny hot weather nearly every day though, which definately gets the thumbs up from me!
We have, somehow, managed to occupy ourselves wiht very little issue the last few days. We spent Thursday reading and watching movies. We also had to say goodbye to Dion, who after returning from work with a roast chicken and a six-pack of beer was having a merry 'ole chat with Alex before being escorted off-site by the campsite owner due to his involvement with the police the other day. So we lost his company and now there are only Czech people, everywhere. I have no idea why every other person hanging about here waiting for a job offer is Czech, but so the matter stands. As we can't speak Czech (dang the English idea that their language will get them anywhere!) we all just mutter 'Hello' at each other and then get to ignoring.
Friday, I have asked Alex and searched my mind and I have no idea what we did. So that was obviously thrilling.
Saturday, we took a trip into town to do a very concentrated and highly-thought out shopping list of food to last us as long as possible over the next two weeks. We also meandered down to the 40% off sale at the Warehouse and purchased cookies, a Christmas tree and some tinsel. So cheap, it was unbelievable. We were very pleased however, especially as our four pound tree includes fibre optics!
Sunday, I awoke from a dream in which we were scrambling up a hill to get away from the tsunami about to destroy the campsite. During the day, Alex was building a Roman soldier in 3D while I practiced drawing. I also made lots of exciting lists and we both calculated how much we need to earn once we are back in England and touched up our CVs and wrote various cover letters, yada yada. Tres fun. Then, in the evening we watched the tv film premiere of 'Ratatouille' which was awesome, if weird and returned to our tinsel-bedecked tent and watched our tree change colour for a while before passing out to sleep.
Today, Monday, the sky is grey, the air is full of water and we are sitting inside. I have done some more sketching, Alex some more 3D work. I found some sci-fi books and 'The Three Musketeers' behind the bookshelf in the lounge and I have kidnapped them to read. All is good. We have fruitbread.

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